This is my place to chronicle the simple pleasures of my life.....I knit, crochet and sew etc. I'm a proud Mommy, a wife and above all a soul of living light. Join me on a journey to inspiration amongst craft or life.....

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fleece nappy covers!

Here is two of my fleece nappy covers currently in stock at 'Platinum Babies'!
Polar fleece is a wonderful fabric for making cloth nappy covers as it is water resistant and breathable aswell as being good at drawing the moisture away from baby's skin so it stays nice and dry. Made by my own pattern in a simple design with elasticated legs they fit snugly and feature a high back. I have trialled them with my own sons and found them brilliant!
They are both size small and depending on the child fit 0-4 months! I have multiple snap settings so they can also be fully adjusted at the waist.
Medium and large covers coming soon...................
I am also perfecting a premmie sizing, perfect for use with the smallest little treasure! I am doing up my prototype today so fingers crossed it works, lol.

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